Friday, October 25, 2013

Does DCPP have to follow the rules even if the case is not in court?

Please note that this blog post is the opinion of the DCPP attorneys at our law firm. Even though there are laws and internal policies that the DCPP has to follow, it does not mean that they always will. For example, people sometimes assume due to information that they read on the internet, that the investigation from the DCPP has to be completed within 60 days. However, this is not always the case. The internet has made things difficult for attorneys since the information online is usually generalized, and you are only getting some of the information. Sometimes that information can be totally wrong!

The best and surest way to make sure the DCPP investigation has stopped and the case is closed is to call an experienced attorney. While plenty of people have made DCPP go away without the aid of a lawyer, there are also plenty of people who have hurt their case by trying to handle it themselves. This usually has those individuals end up in court, pay expensive legal fees and risk losing their parental rights. Rather than roll the dice, it is a good idea to go over your case with a DCPP lawyer.

At the Law Offices of Jef Henninger, Esq., our Ocean County DCPP attorneys go over all the details of your DCPP case and give you an accurate assessment of what is to come and proper steps moving forward. Call our 24/7 hotline at 732-773-2768 to discuss your case and to see how we can help make sure you do not go to court.